How do you build meaningful political empowerment? Develop the leadership to get you there.


If your organization, company, or office has been doing it the way they’ve always done it, it’s time for fresh perspectives and creative ideas. Institute new processes, thoughts, and ideas re-thinking about how you bring voices into the process can be the new energy you need to prosper. The resulting growth and development are just the tip of the iceberg.


From creating policies to breaking through glass ceilings, we only do our best work when all voices are given equal time and weight. A diverse team is the key to thriving in a rapidly changing environment.


Real change comes at the intersection of people, place and passion.


Whether you’re seeking help in developing the Communications Strategies critical to your new Diversity & Inclusion Plan, or have an upcoming retreat where Diversity Training & Leadership might be what helps take your organization to the next level, or you want the one-on-one coaching to help you achieve your goals, you need Maria Meier on your side.

Diversity and inclusion consultation

Change Makers

Need a consultant that that doesn’t just value diversity, but helps you reach inclusion?

image of professional coaching

High Achieving Individuals

Looking for a coach to help you get unstuck?

Passionate Public Servants

Would connection and training make you more effective?

Leading Innovator on Empowerment and Inclusion for Those That Make an Impact

Maria speaks from the head and heart.  Her vast experience in the public sector means she knows how things work.  Her dedication to diversity and inclusion comes from years of being a leading voice on the issue.  She wraps it all together with a passion of helping those who make a difference reach deep and find their own sense of empowerment.  Learn, motivate, and be inspired. Have Maria speak at your event.

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